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About Me

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Brief Background

Hi, I am Rondel and this is my travel blog. I am from Trinidad and Tobago and have just begun my travel journey.

As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted the freedom of working for myself. After graduating during the pandemic at the end of 2021, the job market looked bleak. I remember waking up one day with just 45 TTD (equivalent to 6.50 USD at the time) in my bank account. Around this time, I hit a rough patch where I felt lost, battled with depression, and had no sense of direction.

At the beginning of 2023, I succeeded in landing a part-time position at my former workplace. Still, a longing for autonomy persisted. Then came Trinidad Carnival 2023. I decided to document the parade and start a YouTube channel to showcase the beauty of my homeland. As these were my first videos, they lacked quality, but they became quite popular. I uploaded four carnival videos in total, and each one garnered tens of thousands of views. As of now, the third video has racked up over 500,000 views. Within a month, I achieved monetization on YouTube.

This revelation ignited a newfound belief - this could be more than a passion; it could be a profession. I started posting more general videos about places and things to do in Trinidad, and over time, I started this blog to share my journey and inspire others to explore the world.

Explore More

Take your time exploring my recent blog entries.

Feel free to check out my YouTube channel and connect with me on social media:

Got questions or interested in a collaboration? Feel free to drop me a line via the contact page.